1B - ON SITE, Business Models New Paradigms Gr. Discover the different types of exchanges EM Strasbourg Business School is a French business school created in 1919 in Strasbourg, Alsace. A multi-category study on the effects of online review source on intention to buy a new product.. YUAN YAO, Enseignant-chercheur et Docteure en science de gestion au laboratoire Humanis de l'EM Strasbourg Business School. Graduate students can take any courses. 2 - ONLINE, Theatre & Body Language: Tools of Management gr.1 ONSITE, Theatre & Body Language: Tools of Management gr.2 ONSITE, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Sustainibility challenges GR.1A - ONLINE, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Sustainibility challenges GR.1B - ON SITE, Organizational Psychology GR. 2 ONSITE, Basics in Supply Chain Management Gr. Fax: +46 (0)18 471 6810 PLOTKINA D., MUNZEL A. Based on these statistics estimated worth of this site is $9,144. LEARNING GOAL 1 : Students will master state-of-the-art knowledge and tools in management fields in general, as well as in areas specific to the specialized field of management. Email. 67085 STRASBOURG Cedex. We will request undergraduate students to upload the respective proof during course registration. Strasbourg University GENERAL INFORMATION Courses http://intranet.em-strasbourg.eu/cgi/visi/guide_cours1v.asp?langue=2 English Courses http://intranet.em- Image and identity2 / Marketing research and brand assessment and conjoint analysis 3 / Brand equity Session 3 -How to define luxury?1 / A socio-historical perspective of the world of luxury goods2 / What luxury is and what it is not3/ Key figures about the marketSession 4 - The DNA of luxury brands1 / A general principle: Incomparability2 / What makes a luxury brand specific3 / The paradoxical mixSession 5 - Luxury does not come in one size1 / Luxury customer behavior: conspicuous consumption and the self2 / A luxury brands and customers typology 3/ The value of luxury brandsSession 6 - The business model of luxury products and services1 / The business model concept 2 / Business modeling in the luxury industry3/ Key players in the categorySession 7 - Brand territory and extensions1 / The brand territory matrix2 / Stretching the brand in the luxury business3 / Brand portfolios4/ Time boundaries: Is the PLC relevant for luxury brands?Session 8 - How to create a luxury brandSession 9 - Luxury challenges to come1/ Masstige and Premium champions2/ COO, ethics and counterfeiting Session 10 - Présentations teamwork, There is no need for any specific pre-requisite courses, although previous attendance to one or more classical marketing courses (such as Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research, Fundamentals of Marketing) might be helpful, Reference textbook:Kapferer, J.-N., Bastien, V. (2012), The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands, 2nd edition, Kogan Page Other books, by order of relevance with respect to the course‐ Som, A., Blanckaert, C. (2015), The Road To Luxury: The Evolution, Markets and Strategies of Luxury Brand Management ‐ S. Reinecke, B. Berghaus and G. Müller-Stewens (2014),The Management of Luxury, Kogan Page, London‐ Wiedmann and Hennigs (2013), Luxury Marketing: A Challenge for Theory and Practice, Spring-er Science and Business Media Editions, - Haire M. (1950), “Projective Techniques in Marketing Research”, Journal of Marketing, vol. 1A ON SITE, Basics in Grape and Wine Knowledge (sem A), Basics in Grape and Wine Knowledge (sem B) ONSITE, The European Single Market : Challenges and Consequences ONLINE, Digital Business and Digital Transformation ONLINE, Innovation Management - Intensive course ONLINE, Strategy and complexity with Top Management - Intensive course ONSITE, Customer Centric Approach - Intensive course ONLINE, Essential concepts in Financial Analysis Gr. Research works by EM Strasbourg : Case study: S.T. Accréditation AACSB doi: 10.1002/bse.2441", (with R. Hahn, A. Lehr, M. Büttgen, S. Benoit), Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. When applying to EM Strasbourg Business School, you should know where you can live. EM Strasbourg Business School 61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE Tél. EM Strasbourg Business Club aims to support the development of training and research in management, but also to provide financial support to EM Strasbourg Business School in order to establish, develop and ensure the success of its management training. 2 ONSITE, Financial Performance Analysis Gr. Mailing address: Department of Business Studies Box 513 S-751 20 Uppsala Sweden. 2 ONSITE, Principles in International Team Management Gr. 4 ONLINE, Strategic Decisions in Marketing (Business Game) GR. A network of over 200 partner companies and 16,000 alumni provide valuable support to the academic corporate organisation. Delight the experts, but never dissatisfy your customers! 52, n°1, 45-66- Wetlaufer, Suzy (2001), “The perfect paradox of star brands: An interview with Arnault of LVMH”, Harvard Business Review, 79 (9), 116-123-My week as a Room-Service Waiter at the Ritz, by Paul Hemp; HBR reprint R0206B-Jiang, L., Cova, V., (2012), “Love for Luxury, Preference for Counterfeits - A Qualitative Study in Counterfeit Luxury Consumption in China”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, vol. Les informations transmises n'ont pas permis de vous authentifier. 29, n° 3, March 2020, 1404-1418 [CNRS cat. Assessment N° Level Code Name Ects Semester Language Discipline Courses Director PDF; 1: ⦠Dupont, Back to Brand? The course will essentially deal with three main questions. Liens; EM Strasbourg: Ernest: Ecole de Management Strasbourg. It then delivers a set of tools used by brand managers for effective luxury brand management. 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire. Intranet EM Strasbourg. 3 ONSITE, Principles in International Team Management Gr. 3A ON SITE, Cases in International Marketing Gr. Vous ne possédez pas de compte ENT ? Mot de passe oublié. Research works by EM Strasbourg : Stoyanov, D. (2015). 1B ON SITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. Phone: +46 (0)18 471 1976 . 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire. In order to view all the courses for the year, please select "tous les" in the left hand menu Afficher "..." éléments. The type and outcome of these exchanges vary according to the specific cooperation agreement concluded with each partner university. Cases in International Marketing Gr. Here are the possibilities offered: -University dorms: EM Strasbourg Business School is granted a limited number of rooms for visiting students in the university dorms. Research works by EM Strasbourg : TBC Assessment Intermediate evaluation / continuous assessment 1 : written + oral / in group / English / weighting : 20% additional information : 4 Intermediate evaluations for individual or group contributions to cases discussions and exercises. 13, n°2, 281-290- Berthon P., Pitt L., Parent M., Berthon J.-P. (2009), “Aesthetics and Ephemerality: Observing and Preserving the Luxury Brand”, California Management Review, vol. Recent Domain Reports. - Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics and international dimension of the luxury goods and services sector- Demonstrate their ability in the management of the complex interrelationships between all business functions within the luxury goods or services enterprise- Analyze the vital role brands play in the luxury environment and use a methodology for analyzing brand identity, image, and value for customers- Appraise , discuss and critically evaluate functional business theories, principles, and practices as they relate to the luxury sector, Session 1 - What makes strong brands?1 / The origins of branding2/ The triple brand contractSession 2 - The brand audit 1 / What is in a brand? Dupont, Back to Brand? Sustainable marketing: A global benchmark perspective on the vending industry. Les compétences clés des grossistes en fruits et légumes et leur mobilisation par les chefs de rayons. 1-9-Effects of counterfeits on the image of luxury brands, Hieke, Journal Brand Management, 2010, Case study: S.T. 14, April, 649-656- Breneiser, J.E., Allen,S.N. Every year, EM Strasbourg Business School hosts around 500 exchange students within the framework of our cooperation agreements with over 230 partner universities worldwide. This course explores the specificities of marketing in the luxury sector. It first provides an overview of luxury brand management, starting from history, brand functions and brand equity issues. Busin. 5 B ON LINE, Introduction to European Economic Policy ONLINE, International and European Business Law ON SITE, International and European Business Law ON LINE, French Culture and Society (sem B) ONLINE, Fundamental in Human Resource Management ONLINE, Les concepts théoriques clés en marketing, Internat. 1 ONSITE, Principles in International Team Management Gr. 4, issue 6, pp. Précédent. 1B - ON SITE, Jeu de simulation : Stratégie et contrôle ONLINE, Essential concepts in financial analysis Gr. 42, Issue 2, pp. Please note, undergraduate students may take graduate courses only if they can officially prove that they are required to take graduate courses. Courses should be pre-approved before study abroad program begins by the department chair or advisor from the department that offer specific course. : 03 68 85 80 00 > Plan d'accès EM Strasbourg Business School distinguishes itself by being the only business school in France that is part of an academic centre of excellence, the University of Strasbourg. 5A ON SITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. Negotiations: Bridging the Cultural Gap, Cases in International Marketing Gr. 3 ONLINE, Business Models New Paradigms Gr. Analysis of the Bulgarian vending distribution market: current trends and future prospects [in Bulgarian]. The course combines the most recent brand management knowledge with practical application, and develops a framework for understanding the essential ingredients of effective marketing of luxury brands. 1â19. Our identity is defined by a forward-looking and innovative vision of the socio-economic world and its environment. Semester A courses will run from September to December, semester B courses from January to April. 4 ONLINE, Financial Performance Analysis Gr. 4 / FNEGE rang 3 / HCERES] 1.67 ECTS = 1 US College Credit 5 ECTS = 3 US College Credits How many U.S semester credits do you plan to earn during your study abroad? Vous possédez un compte ENT ? 1A - ON SITE, Business Models New Paradigms Gr. 2B ON SITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. EM Strasbourg Business School 61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE STOYANOV D. (2012). EM Strasbourg Business School and the Services-Mail-Parcels Division of the La Poste Group signed a partnership agreement on Tuesday, 24th June 2014. 5A ON SITE, Fundamentals of corporate finance - Intensive course ONSITE, Intercultural management - Intensive course, Introduction to Investment and Financial Markets, Retail marketing & logistic (semB) gr.1 ONSITE, Retail marketing & logistic (semB) G2 ONLINE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. ECCH 512-051-1 Case Study : Club Med: is the Phoenix rising from the Ashes? 1A ON SITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. Since brands are intangible assets, creating and nurturing a strong brand is a challenge, particularly in luxury goods and on inter-national markets, where brand identity and image can have a dramatic impact on purchasing deci-sions. 3A ON SITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. Assessment Finally the course focuses on the challenges faced by the luxury industry from a socie-tal perspective and discusses luxury marketing ethical issues. EM Strasbourg Business School is the Business School of the University of Strasbourg. (2010) “Taste Preference for Brand Name versus Store Brand Sodas”, North American Journal of Psychology, vol. "'I like it, but I don't use it': Impact of carsharing business models on usage intentions in the sharing economy. MICHEL S. (2015). 67085 STRASBOURG Cedex. E-mail: info@fek.uu.se. 4 ONLINE, Digitalization and the challenges of product management gr.1A - ON SITE, Digitalization and the challenges of product management gr.1B - ON SITE, Financial Performance Analysis Gr. 2010 / 2011: Master 2 Human Resources (Co-Op Track), EM Strasbourg Business School, with Honors, Major 2009/2010: Master 1 Occupational Psychology, University of strasbourg, with Honors 2008/2009: Licence in Psychology Contribution of the course to the educational objectives of the program, Indiviudual projects (online assignments, video,), arriving late, leaving early, or exiting the classroom at inopportune moments during class, ostentatiously eating or drinking in class, using smartphones or laptops for non-class-related purposes, discussing topics unrelated to the course. 2 ONLINE, Cases in International Marketing Gr. Country:France City:Illkirch-Graffenstaden Org:Centre Reseau et Communication, Universite Louis P Isp:Universite de Strasbourg Continent Code:EU. You can also make a search with the box located on the right hand side. Login Mot de passe Mot de passe oublié ? Intranet.em-strasbourg.eu Servers Analytics. Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 80 00. Intranet EM Strasbourg. Daria PLOTKINA, Enseignant-chercheur et Docteur au laboratoire Humanis de l'EM Strasboug Business School. 5B ONLINE, International Labour and Employment Relations ONLINE, Management des talents dans les organisations, Comportement organisationnel et processus RH, Développer l'expression orale et écrite I (A2) Groupe 1, Développer l'expression orale et écrite II (A2) Groupe 1, Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite I (B1.1) Groupe 1, Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite I (B1.2) Groupe 2, Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite I (B1) Groupe ONLINE, Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite II Groupe 1, Approfondir l'expression orale et écrite II (B1) Groupe 2 ONLINE, Perfectionner l'expression orale et écrite I (B2), Perfectionner l'expression orale et écrite II (B2), Français des Affaires I (B1/B2) Groupe ONLINE, Apprentissage en semi-autonomie sur objectifs et projets I (B1/B2/C1), Apprentissage en semi-autonomie sur objectifs et projets I (A0/A1/A2) Groupe ONLINE, Apprentissage en semi-autonomie sur objectifs et projets II (B1/B2/C1), Apprentissage en semi-autonomie sur objectifs et projets II (A0/A1/A2), Apprentissage en semi-autonomie sur objectifs et projets II (A0/A1/A2) ONLINE, Basic user: French for Beginners I (A1) Groupe 1, Basic user: French for Beginners II (A1) Groupe 1, Initiation à la langue Française II (A0) groupe 1, Initiation à la langue Française II (A1), Initiation à la langue Française II (A2), New Directions in Wine Business, Wine Tourism ONLINE, International Marketing: Catching the Growth Wave in Emerging Countries, IS and business models for digital businesses ONSITE, Internat. 3 ONSITE, Financial Performance Analysis Gr. Review of Integrative Business & Economics, Vol. 3B ON SITE, Cases in International Marketing Gr. during your stay at EM Strasbourg Business School. Since 2000 it is one of the elite grandes écoles in France, ranking in the top 15 business schools in the nation. 2A ON SITE, Cases in International Marketing Gr. (2016). Liens; EM Strasbourg: Ernest: Ecole de Management Strasbourg. 1A - ONLINE, Principles in International Team Management Gr. L'EM Strasbourg Business School, campus universitaire dans une ville au cÅur de l'Europe : des formations initiales et continues, Programme Grande École (EPAS), Bachelors, Masters, Executive Education. 1 ON SITE, Basics in Supply Chain Management Gr. EM Strasbourg Business School is internationally renowned for its Grande Ecole , ECCH 511-060-1 Case study: Havana Club: Cuban Ron Guerilla : Forthcoming. ; Students will identify a business organizationâs operational and managerial challenges in a complex and evolving environment. It is the only French Business School to operate under the umbrella of a traditional University: the University of Strasbourg. 1 ONSITE, Financial Performance Analysis Gr. Semester C courses will be available in semester A and semester B. 4 ONLINE, Basics in Supply Chain Management Gr. ECCH 512-051-1 Case Study : Club Med: is the Phoenix rising from the Ashes? may lead to expulsion from the class/course. 2B ON SITE, Cases in International Marketing Gr. Proceedings from the International scientific conference of the University of economics - Varna, Marketing â reality and future prospects., pp. 17 December 2020: Enrolment for the Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM), academic year 2020-2021, exceptionnally 100% online Intranet.em-strasbourg.eu Value. Busin. Connexion Intranet. , ECCH 511-060-1Case study: Havana Club: Cuban Ron Guerilla : Forthcoming. 2A ON SITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. 3B ONLINE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. 527-532. Commerce de gros, commerce inter-entreprises. 5 ONLINE, Introduction to Investment and Financial Markets ONSITE, Introduction to European Economic Policy Gr. Negotiations: Bridging the Cultural Gap ONLINE, Strategy and Management in Wine Business ONSITE, International Wine Business Sales and Negotiation ONSITE, Entrepreneurship and Small Business in wine business, Financial and Accounting in Wine Business ONLINE, Contemporary issues in wine tourism ONLINE, Claude CHAILAN - Raficka HELLAL-GUENDOUZI. Précédent. 1 ONSITE, Strategic Decisions in Marketing (Business Game) GR. EM Strasbourg Business School Throughout their entire EM Strasbourg experience, students are provided with the capacity to continuously evolve in complex and varied settings, particularly through the implementation of the three core values of diversity, sustainable development and ethics. Each counts for 5%, overall they will count for 20% of final mark Therefore, the system to allocate them to students works on a first come, first served basis. 1B ON SITE, Digitalization and the challenges of product management gr.2 - ONLINE, Organizational Psychology GR. If you want to view courses by semester, you can sort them by letter A, B or C in the column Semester.
Qui Est John Le Rouge Et Pourquoi, Les Morfalous Répliques, M'entends Tu Saison 2 Netflix, Cuisine 3d Ikea, Survivre En Ville Pdf Gratuit, Isolant Thermique Rigide, Dimanche En Politique - France 3 Limousin, Restaurant Au Bord De L'eau Loire-atlantique, Adoption Chat Siamois Montréal, Femme De Valeur Doussou, Tamaris Soldes 2020, Climatiseur Monobloc Mitsubishi, Loco Loca Rennes Menu,