Cheapest: Drive: Lyon to Turin by car is $16 cheaper than taking a bus: Quickest: Bus: The fastest way to Turin from Lyon is by bus: Eco-Friendly: Bus: Bus to Turin emits 7 lb of CO 2 less than bus: How to get from Lyon to Turin. The earlier you book the better, and the cheapest tickets we've found for trains from Turin to Lyon are €27.54. Lyon . TER 18502. KelBillet can help you find cheap train tickets from Lyon to Turin! Book a bus Bus Information . close. Reise von Lyon (Frankreich) nach Turin (Italien) mit dem Zug (236km): Fahrplan und Information zur Zugverbindung. Aix Les Bains - Le Revard. Zugfahrplan-Informationen Paris-Turin Anzahl der Fahrten pro Tag. 09h33. About sharing. Horaires train Lyon-Turin Mercredi 6 janvier 2021 Horaires train Lyon-Turin Mercredi 6 janvier 2021; Départ Arrivée Durée Transport; 08h08: 12h24: 04h16: TER, TGV INOUI vers l'Italie: 1 correspondance Réserver. Chambery Challes Les Eaux. Best Deals Complete timetable Rail times and fares Easy and fast The French company SNCF connects Turin to Lyon with about 3 daily trips, two with change to Chambery and one direct. Timetables for tomorrow . Trains Lyon to Turin, 3h44, 3 trains per day. 09h33 . 11h23. Kaufe Bahntickets für Turin nach Lyon am besten ein paar Monate im Voraus, damit du die besten Preise und auch Sonderangebote wie Sparpreise buchen kannst. It is a project concerning the high-speed rail link between Turin and Lyon which, according to the promoters of the infrastructure, should reduce journey times and increase load capacity of trains. Promoters confirm the situation. 09h18. On average, there are 1 on this route. On average, there are 1 on this route. Train timetable info Lyon-Turin Number routes per day. Find the best train tickets deals for your Lyon - Turin travel and recommendations for where to go in Turin ! Published. Check timetables and book your tickets with Rome2rio. 09h44. Chambery Challes Les Eaux. Travel from Lyon to Turin. France and Italy have embarked on a major project to open up connections to 5,000km of railway lines, and create a route. Preise vergleichen und Ticket kaufen. Bus Lyon to Turin 5 hours 43 minutes. Amberieu En Bugey. 5h 43min. Share page . 250km/h. Durchschnittliche Reisezeit. 2 05h45 05h35 06h30 14h43 Bahn-Fahrplan Paris-Turin Sonntag 27 September 2020 Bahn-Fahrplan … Train timetables Lyon-Turin Thursday 10 September 2020 Train timetables Lyon-Turin Thursday 10 September 2020; Departure Arrival Duration Transporter; 08h31: 12h24: 03h53: TGV INOUI vers l'Italie: direct Booking. 10 March 2019. Lyon-Turin Base Route. The number of buses from Lyon to Turin can differ depending on the day of the week. Lyon Part Dieu. Correspondance 11 min. First conceived in the late 1990s, the so-called Treno Alta Velocità (TAV) project will span 270km of track. Book cheap train tickets! Arrival in Chambéry : 9:57 / 17:57. Departure : 8:41 am / 16:41 pm. 08h31. Train times - Use our journey planner to find all trains from Turin to Lyon. Police fired tear gas after face-offs with protesters rallying against the proposed high-speed railway between Lyon and Turin known as TAV (Treno Alta Velocita or high-speed train), in the northern Italian village of Giaglione on Sunday. Expand Share Article. Turin via Modane to Lyon by regional train. Erste Stunde der Abreise. 2 04h15 04h14 08h08 16h08 See. 10h50. 82 € (1) Monday 30/11. image copyright Getty Images. Travel information. Share. The average travel time between Lyon and Turin is around 4h 25m, although the fastest bus will take about 3h 25m.This is the time it takes to travel the 146 miles that separates the two cities. As mentioned before, the TGV high speed trains have been the only passenger trains through the Fréjus Rail Tunnel between Italy and France. Bardonecchia Stazione. Amberieu En Bugey. Cristiano Ronaldo will seinen ersten CL-Titel mit der Alten Dame einfahren. Chambery Challes Les Eaux. From September 10, 2017 the Piemont region of Italy is funding a trial for introducing regular regional trains across the border once again. 09h18. Trains departing 30 days in advance will cost around €49 while booking 7 days in advance the price is around €73. Quick summary. For your trip from Lyon (Rhône-Alpes, France) to Turin (Piedmont, Italy) with a distance of 146 mi you will be able to take 3 modes of transport, eventually by combining carpooling, bus and/or train, and according to which the duration of the journey will be significantly different. Lyon Part Dieu. Copy link. Turin. Alternative trains have a change at Chambéry. 09h40. How many daily bus connections are there between Lyon and Turin? Oulx Cesana Clav Sestriere. Opening date (planned) 2018–20. TER 18502. What's the Turin to Lyon train price? Für eine Zugfahrt in den nächsten 7 Tagen kostet ein Bahnticket Turin – Lyon durchschnittlich für die Hinfahrt. Fahrplan für Bahn-Verbindungen zwischen Paris und Turin sowie praktische Reiseinfos bezüglich Zwischenstopps, Umstieg und Fahrzeit. Lyon Part Dieu. - In France, with the same infrastructure available, freight traffic kept declining, in the mountains as well as in plains, on short as well as on long distances. At training ground, indoor meetings will be banned unless they are fully socially-distanced, with canteens banned other than on matchdays the previous day. To book Lyon to Turin train ticket,you can visit Voyages SNCF website to make your reservation or find on KelBillet a cheap train ticket sold by another traveler. Book Cheap Flights from Lyon to Turin: Search and compare airfares on Tripadvisor to find the best flights for your trip to Turin. 09h44. For travelers taking a train from Turin to Lyon and allowed to enter France, the entry requirements for self quarantine in France are the following as of 17/09/2020: 14-day mandatory self-quarantine. Travel from Lyon to Turin by train and arrive directly in the city centre. Search your train ticket. to. Travel to Lyon from Turin by train and arrive directly in the city centre. Discover bus trips from Turin to Lyon from only $14.99 Secure online payment Free Wi-Fi and power outlets on board E-Ticket available One check-in baggage … and exploit intermodal trains on their existing railways. The first train of the day is the most convenient, as it leaves directly from Lyon Part Dieu station in the city centre at around 08:31. Reseau Ferre de France/ Rete Ferroviaria Italiana . Operator. 08h08. 08h08. 11h13 . The first train leaves at 07h39 from Torino Pora Susa to Lyon Part Dieu, the last train leaves at 21h05.The journey time is 3 hours and 44 minutes between the two cities.Each day around 3 trains run between Turin and Lyon.Here, at HappyRail, you can buy all cheap train tickets from Turin to Lyon! Maximum line speed. Das ist der Spielbericht zur Begegnung Juventus Turin gegen Olympique Lyon am 07.08.2020 im Wettbewerb UEFA Champions League Entfernung, Kosten (Maut, Kraftstoff, Kosten pro Insasse und Reisezeit Lyon - Turin , unter Berücksichtigung des Straßenverkehrs Choose the best airline for you by reading reviews and viewing hundreds of ticket rates for flights going to and from your destination. Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it is worth booking in advance if you can to save money. Running from Turin in Italy to Lyon in France, the line is being built to help move freight off the road and boost trade relations between the two countries, as well as the rest of Europe. The average travel time between Turin and Lyon is around 4h 25m, although the fastest bus will take about 3h 30m.This is the time it takes to travel the 146 miles that separates the two cities. search . 08h31. The number of buses from Turin to Lyon can differ depending on the day of the week. 300km. Letzte Abfahrtszeit. Book cheap train ticket from Lyon to Turin. You will see that there are several convenient schedules (4h19 to 4h33 train ride), one direct train only per day though: Departure Lyon Part-Dieu : 7:00am. Das Eisenbahnprojekt Turin–Lyon (kurz NLTL für Nuova Linea Torino–Lione oder TAV für Treno Alta Velocità) ist eine geplante Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke und ein Joint-Venture zwischen Italien und Frankreich.Der 57,5 km lange Mont-Cenis-Basistunnel wird das Herzstück dieser neuen Eisenbahnachse zwischen Lyon und Turin.Die bereits 1991 geplante und 26 Mrd. Find the best train tickets deals for your Lyon - Turin travel and recommendations for where to go there. Last hour of departure. Train tickets from Lyon to Turin start at 57€, and the quickest route takes just 3h 53m. Bahn-Fahrplan Lyon-Turin Mittwoch 30 Dezember 2020 Bahn-Fahrplan Lyon-Turin Mittwoch 30 Dezember 2020; Zug Ankunft Dauer Verkehrsunternehmen; 08h08: 12h24: 04h16: TER, TGV INOUI vers l'Italie : 1 anschlussverbindung Booking. Three TGV high-speed trains link Lyon with Turin & Milan every day, from €29 in 2nd class or €44 in 1st class, journey time around 3h50 to Turin and 5h15 to Milan. 08h31. Timetables Lyon - Turin Timetables Chambéry - Turin Train Geneva Train Turin Train Geneva Turin is the official European distribution channel of the French railways (SNCF) for online sales of high-speed and conventional rail travel throughout France and Europe: plan your journeys, book your train tickets and get inspired by our travel guides! TGV INOUI Vers L'Italie 9241. Correspondence 11 min. Italy halts bids for Turin-Lyon train tunnel. Modane. 12h24. Aix Les Bains - Le Revard. from. How many daily bus connections are there between Turin and Lyon? Shortest route time. Route Lyon - Turin. Route length. First hour of departure . Lyon Turin Ferroviaire (LTF), subsidiary of Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), was the early developer of the joint French-Italian part of the future rail link between Lyon and Turin.It has now been replaced in that role by Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (TELT), with the same staff and leadership.. To find these cheap second-hand tickets you can use our search engine. $50. … TGV trains Turin - Lyon. Arrival in Turin … Best prices Lyon-Turin. Kürzeste Reisezeit. 63 € (1) Sunday 29/11. Juventus Turin tritt im Achtelfinale der Champions League bei Olympique Lyon an. Average route time. The first train leaves Turin around 7:30 a.m., the last one departs at about 4:11 p.m. Where do the trains from Turin to Lyon depart and arrive? Arrival in Turin : 11:19am.
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