in the jungle the lion sleeps tonight

[1], Although Linda was listed as a performer on the record itself, the Weavers thought they had recorded a traditional Zulu song. Wee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away. Nella giungla, la potente giungla. "Mbube" (Zulu for "lion") was written in the 1920s by Solomon Linda, a South African Zulu singer, who later worked for the Gallo Record Company in Johannesburg as a cleaner and record packer. The song is also … "Mbube" (Zulu for "lion") was written in the 1920s by Solomon Linda,[3] a South African Zulu singer, who later worked for the Gallo Record Company in Johannesburg as a cleaner and record packer. Near the village, the quiet village. La canzone venne accreditata sotto il nome di Solomon Linda e "Paul Campbell" (Campbell era lo pseudonimo dei quattro membri del gruppo). The lion sleeps tonight. OK I know that this is not the most original thing in the world but it is the whole song or that's what I believe. Il leone dorme la notte. [6] It reached Billboard's top ten and became a staple of The Weavers' live repertoire, achieving further exposure on their best-selling The Weavers at Carnegie Hall LP album, recorded in 1955 and issued in 1957. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" ukulele chords and tabs by The Tokens. [2], Lista selezionata delle versioni registrate, Daniel Küblböck – The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Il re leone: La grande avventura di Simba,, Brani musicali al numero uno nel Regno Unito, P435 multipla letta da Wikidata senza qualificatore, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. The Lion Sleeps Tonight. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", however is still in copyright. [Verse 1] D G In the jungle the mighty jungle D A The lion sleeps tonight D G In the village the peaceful village D A The people sleep tonight [Chorus] D Awoom away, awoom away, G Awoom away Album È contenuto nei seguenti album: 1971 Oltre la collina Testo Della Canzone The lion sleeps tonight di Mia Martini Lala kahle [Sleep well] In the jungle, the mighty jungleThe lion sleeps tonightIn the jungle, the mighty jungleThe lion sleeps tonight (Chorus)Imbube Ingonyama ifile [The lion’s in peace]Ingonyama ilele [The lion sleeps]Thula [Hush] Near the […] Su queste versioni della canzone si possono trovare scrittura e arrangiamento di George Weiss, Luigi Creatore e Hugo Peretti. “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”, also known as “Wimoweh” or “Awimbawe”, is a a number one hit in the United States adapted in English by the the doo-wop group The Tokens from the song recorded by … Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, The lion sleeps tonight. Linda also lent its name to a style of African a cappella music that evolved into isicathamiya (also called mbube), popularized by Ladysmith Black Mambazo. The lion sleeps tonight | funny cartoon |'' Funny Cartoon. The Lion King (2019) - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Lyrics) 1080pHD Le origini di questa celebre canzone, riproposta innumerevoli volte da musicisti di ogni paese, risalgono addirittura agli anni '30 e anche in questo caso nella riscoperta c'è incredibilmente la mano del grande Pete Seeger.. Come tutti sanno The Lion Sleeps Tonight, o Wimoweh, è una canzone africana, del Sud Africa in particolare, quindi le parti non in inglese sono in lingua zulu. The lion sleeps tonight. In 2012, "Mbube" fell into the public domain due to the copyright law of South Africa. Nel 1952 il gruppo folk The Weavers di Pete Seeger, su invito della Folkways Records, incise la sua versione intitolata Wimoweh, che associava il coro della canzone originale di uyimbube (che significa "tu sei un leone") agli apporti melodici originali di Seeger. In the jungle the quiet jungle. The song was also covered extensively by other folk revival groups such as The Kingston Trio, and exotica singer Yma Sumac. The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh) (Audio). The lion sleeps tonight. He spent his weekends performing with the Evening Birds, a musical ensemble, and it was at Gallo Records, under the direction of producer Griffiths Motsieloa, that Linda and his fellow musicians recorded several songs, including "Mbube", which incorporated a call-response pattern common among many Sub-Saharan African The Americans maintained, however, that South African copyrights were not valid because South Africa was not a signatory to U.S. copyright law. Leggi il testo di The Lion Sleeps Tonight di Mia Martini tratto da Oltre la collina... su Howie Richmond's claim of author's copyright could secure both the songwriter's royalties and his company's publishing share of the song's earnings. It went on to earn millions in royalties from cover versions and film licensing. [7] "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" was issued by RCA in 1961, and it rocketed to number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The lion sleeps tonight. Leggi il testo e guarda il video della canzone The Lions Sleeps Tonight di The Tokens tratto dall'album The Hits of 1961. Linda". Lion King Broadway Cast Lion Sleeps Tonight Disney Playlist Sessions. [1], In 2000, South African journalist Rian Malan wrote a feature article for Rolling Stone magazine in which he recounted Linda's story and estimated that the song had earned $15 million for its use in the Disney movie The Lion King alone. Su Rockol trovi tutto sui tuoi artisti preferiti: Lyrics, testi, video, foto e molto altro. La cover del 1961 di Hank Medress e la sua band The Tokens, alla sua prima uscita, negli Stati Uniti salì immediatamente in testa alle classifiche delle vendite e vi rimase per parecchi mesi. [6], In 1961, two RCA Records producers, Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore, hired Juilliard-trained musician and lyricist George David Weiss to arrange a pop music cover of "Wimoweh" for the B-side of a 45-rpm single called "Tina", sung by doo-wop group The Tokens. The Weavers credited the song as "Traditional", with arrangement by "Paul Campbell", later found to be a pseudonym used by the Weavers in order to claim royalties. In the jungle, the quiet jungle The lion sleeps tonight Gallo Record Company issued “Mbube” on vinyl in 1939, and it became a regional hit in South Africa. Il leone dorme la notte (Chorus) coroo. The lion sleeps tonight. Weiss wrote the English lines "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, The lion sleeps tonight ..." and "Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling ...". The pop group Tight Fit had a number one hit in the UK with the song in 1982. Wah oh oh, wah oh oh, wah oh wimoweh The Lion Sleeps Tonight (In the Jungle) [2-part chorus] Luster Tammi. Ben presto ebbe un gran successo anche nel resto del mondo. The lion sleeps tonight. In the mid to late 2000s, the song was used in a viral video with Pat and Stan. Accordi Testi R.E.M. Da allora Wimoweh/The Lion Sleeps Tonight è diventata popolare, travalicando frontiere e generazioni, ed a tutt'oggi viene trasmessa ed ascoltata. C F In the jungle the mighty jungle C G The lion sleeps tonight C F In the village the peaceful village C G The people sleep tonight C Awoom away, awoom away, F Awoom away, awoom away, C Awo La leggenda dice che Chaka non è morto quando gli Europei hanno assunto la direzione del paese, ma è semplicemente addormentato ed un giorno si risveglierà».[1]. Dalla Gallo Record Company, all'epoca avente l'unico studio di registrazione in Sudafrica, ottenne solo una tassa per l'incisione (10 shillings) e nessun diritto d'autore. Secondo una credenza diffusa sono stati i The Beach Boys a realizzare la più celebre incisione del brano, in realtà la versione loro attribuita è quella dei primi anni sessanta dei The Tokens. Entra e non perderti neanche una parola! The Lion Sleeps Tonight (In the Jungle) [2-part chorus] Luster Tammi. Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away (A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh) (A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh) Near the village, the peaceful village. "[8] Canadian writer Mark Steyn, on the other hand, attributes the invention of the pseudonym "Paul Campbell" to Pete Seeger. Cosa aspetti? David Hutcheon, "The Story Behind the Song: The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Free and guaranteed quality tablature with ukulele chord charts, diagrams, transposer and auto scroller. In the jungle The Mighty Jungle / Wimboweh Video Share on Facebook Share on Twitter "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", also known as "Wimboweh" and originally as "Mbube", is a song recorded by Solomon Linda and his group. [1], Issued by Gallo as a 78-rpm phonograph record in 1939,[4] and marketed to black audiences, "Mbube" became a hit and Linda a star throughout South Africa. [9], In July 2004, as a result of the publicity generated by Malan's article and the subsequent documentary, the song became the subject of a lawsuit between Linda's estate and Disney, claiming that Disney owed $1.6 million in royalties for the use of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" in the film and musical stage productions of The Lion King. In February 2006, Linda's descendants reached a legal settlement with Abilene Music Publishers, who held the worldwide rights and had licensed the song to Disney, to place the earnings of the song in a trust.[11][12]. However, Miriam Makeba, in 1960, recorded the same song as "Mbube", with the writing credit given to "J. In una registrazione Seeger stesso spiega che la canzone «si riferisce ad una vecchia leggenda degli Zulu, e riguarda il loro ultimo re, conosciuto come "Chaka il leone". Linda's original was written in Zulu, while the English version's lyrics were written by George David Weiss. "Mbube" wasn't the most remarkable tune, but there was something compelling about the underlying chant, a dense meshing of low male voices above which Solomon yodelled and howled for two exhilarating minutes, improvising occasionally. Elertwiig. Ingonyama ifile [The lion's in peace] Il leone è morto [Il leone è in pace] Ingonyama ilele [The lion sleeps… BBC World Service Documentary by Paul Gambaccini first broadcast 16 July 2010, 200+ recordings of Mbube/Wimoweh/The Lion Sleeps Tonight on FLORENCOM's YouTube tribute channel,, European Hot 100 Singles number-one singles, Articles with dead external links from May 2019, Articles needing additional references from May 2019, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with too many examples from July 2017, Wikipedia articles with style issues from July 2017, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with dead external links from August 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2018, Singlechart usages for Belgium (Flanders), Singlechart usages for Belgium (Wallonia), Singlechart usages for Billboardrandbhiphop, Singlechart usages for Canadaadultcontemporary, Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1991 The Elite Swingsters Featuring Dolly Rathebe, as "Mbube" on, 1994 Ladysmith Black Mambazo, as "Mbube (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)", on, 2006 Ladysmith Black Mambazo, as "Mbube", on, This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 09:46. Wimoweh - The Lion Sleeps Tonight, meglio conosciuta come The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Il leone si è addormentato, nella versione in italiano), è una canzone scritta sulla base di una melodia africana, Wimoweh degli zulu, portata al successo negli anni quaranta da Solomon Linda e The Evening Birds e, successivamente, negli anni sessanta nella versione di Hank Medress con il suo gruppo The Tokens. Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, The Astounding 12-String Guitar of Glen Campbell, "Seeking justice for Lion Sleeps Tonight composer", "Top 10 Famous Songs With Unknown Originals", "3rd Ear Music Forum - Mbube - Mickey Mouse Under House Arrest in SAfrica? In 1961, it became a number one hit in the United States as adapted in English with the best-known version by the doo-wop group the Tokens. In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle the quiet jungle The lion sleeps tonight. Nel 1939 Solomon Linda scrisse la canzone Mbube (che nella lingua degli Zulu significa "leone") e ne fece una prima registrazione con il suo gruppo, The Evening Birds. Di questa versione i The Kingston Trio incisero una cover nel 1959. PDF The Baby Sleeps Tonight Your Infant Sleeping Through the Night by 9 Weeks Yes Really Read Online. The folksinger apparently trusted his publisher's word of honor and either saw no need, or was unable to make sure these instructions were carried out. He spent his weekends performing with the Evening Birds, a musical ensemble, and it was at Gallo Records, under the direction of producer Griffiths Motsieloa, that Linda and his fellow musicians recorded several songs, including "Mbube", which incorporated a call-response pattern common among many Sub-Saharan African ethnic groups, including the Zulu. “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” In the jungle, the mighty jungle. In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle the quiet jungle The lion sleeps tonight Near the village the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight Near the village the quiet village The lion sleeps tonight Hush my darling don't fear my darling The song was first used in The Lion King franchise by Timon and Pumbaa, who sung the song in the original film.Lebo M recorded the song for the Rhythm of the Pride Lands CD, which was later heard in The Lion King 1½. Bube. Their version contained the chanting chorus "Wimoweh" and Linda's improvised melodic line. 2:08 Seeger also said he instructed TRO/Folkways to henceforth pay his share of authors' earnings to Linda. The third take was the best, achieving immortality when Solly took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and improvised the melody that the world now associates with these words: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. Mbube iniziò a diventare un gran successo a partire dal Sudafrica e negli anni quaranta vendette centomila copie. Lion King Song! Leggi il testo In the Jungle the Mighty Jungle di The Tokens tratto dall'album The Tokens Gold - Original Vintage Recordings. ", "Penniless singer's family sue Disney for Lion King royalties", "The Lion Sleeps Tonight 1939 : Linda Solomon, The Evening Birds", "UK's million-selling singles: the full list", "Tight Fit — Together — Almighty Records", – The Tokens – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", "flavour of new zealand - Lever hit parades", "The Tokens Chart History (Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs)", – The Tokens – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", "Robert John Chart History (Adult Contemporary)", – Robert John – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", "Top 100 Hits of 1972/Top 100 Songs of 1972", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", The Irish Charts – Search Results – Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", – Tight Fit – The Lion Sleeps Tonight", Solomon Linda, Songwriter Who Penned ‘The Lion,’ Finally Gets His Just Desserts, NPR: All Things Considered: Family of 'Lion Sleeps Tonight' Writer to Get Millions, Telegraph: Penniless singer's family sue Disney for Lion King royalties, The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Imbube. [10] At the same time, the Richmond Organization began to pay $3,000 annually into Linda's estate. Read Books The Baby Sleeps Tonight: Your Infant Sleeping Through the Night by 9 Weeks (Yes, Hope u lik it Bye, XokAs It was originally sung by The Tokens, as well as written and recorded as "Mbube" ("Lion" in Zulu) in South Africa by Solomon Linda in 1939. Hush my darling don't fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. 0:25. Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away. Entra e non perderti neanche una parola! The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Letra e música para ouvir) - Owhee um bumbawee / Owhee um bumbawee / A whim away, a whim away / A whim away, a whim away / A whim away, a whim away / A whim away, a whim away / A whim Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, The lion sleeps tonight. In November 1951, after having performed the song for at least a year in their concerts, The Weavers recorded an adapted version with brass and string orchestra and chorus and released it as a 78 single titled "Wimoweh", a mishearing of the original song's chorus of "Uyimbube", Zulu: You are a lion. Solomon Linda morì poco dopo, nel 1962, in grande povertà. Vari cantanti e musicisti, dopo i The Tokens, hanno dato alla canzone una loro particolare interpretazione: fra questi si citano il Karl Denver Trio nel 1963 e Robert John nel 1972. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 1 nov 2020 alle 16:36. L'adattamento usato nel film fu considerato una versione a sé stante della canzone, pertanto la Disney vinse la causa. 0:29. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is a song originally written and recorded by Solomon Linda[1] under the title "Mbube"[2] for the South African Gallo Record Company in 1939. Near the village the quiet village. The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - Owhee um bumbawee / Owhee um bumbawee / A whim away, a whim away / A whim away, a whim away / A whim away, a whim away / A whim away, a whim away / A whim Their managers, publisher, and their attorneys knew otherwise because they had been contacted by—and had reached an agreement with—Eric Gallo of Gallo Records in South Africa. In the jungle, the mighty jungle. La canzone divenne così popolare che il nome "Mbube" venne preso in prestito per indicare uno stile di musica a cappella africana, sebbene da allora lo stile venne sostituito con quello "isicathamiya" (una versione più morbida del precedente). Rrr, la la la weeoh aweem away. 1:04 ''Funny! [1] In the 1950s, after Linda's authorship was made clear, Seeger sent Linda $1000. Skitarrate per suonare la tua musica, studiare scale, posizioni per chitarra, cercare, gestire, richiedere e inviare accordi, testi e spartiti - classic La loro successiva versione del 1952, arrangiata da Gordon Jenkins, si piazzò fra le prime venti in classifica negli USA; a questa seguì la registrazione del live del 1957. Near the village the peaceful village. [5], In 1949, Alan Lomax, then working as folk music director for Decca Records, brought Solomon Linda's 78 recording to the attention of his friend Pete Seeger of the folk group The Weavers. Cosa aspetti? Disney Movies. The lion sleeps tonight. The piece prompted filmmaker François Verster to create the Emmy-winning documentary A Lion's Trail, that told Linda's story while incidentally exposing the workings of the multi-million dollar corporate music publishing industry. In the jungle the quiet jungle. The lion sleeps tonight. The song has been recorded by numerous artists, and is a standard that has become a part of popular culture. Songs That Will Make You Cry Uncontrollably; NEW SONG: Shawn Mendes - "Wonder" - LYRICS; Weiss also brought in soprano Anita Darian to reprise Yma Sumac's version, before, during and after the soprano saxophone solo. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is a song originally written by Solomon Linda as "Mbube" that was sung by Lebo M with his South African choir. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is a well-known song featured in both the film and musical versions of The Lion King, as well as at the end of the third episode of Timon & Pumbaa and on Track 3 from the CD, Rhythm of the Pride Lands. Related. "National Television Academy Presents 27th Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards" (press release), 25 September 2006. By 1948, the song had sold over 100,000 copies in Africa and among black South African immigrants in Great Britain. Wimoweh - The Lion Sleeps Tonight, meglio conosciuta come The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Il leone si è addormentato, nella versione in italiano), è una canzone scritta sulla base di una melodia africana, Wimoweh degli zulu, portata al successo negli anni quaranta da Solomon Linda e The Evening Birds e, successivamente, negli anni sessanta nella versione di Hank Medress con il suo gruppo The Tokens. The song was adapted and covered internationally by many pop and folk revival artists in the 1950s and 1960s, including Henri Salvador, the Weavers, Jimmy Dorsey, Yma Sumac, Miriam Makeba, and the Kingston Trio. The lion sleeps tonight. Social historian Ronald D. Cohen writes, "Howie Richmond copyrighted many songs originally in the public domain [sic] but now slightly revised to satisfy Decca and also to reap profits. Weiss' Abilene Music Inc., was the publisher of this arrangement, and listed "Albert Stanton" (a pseudonym for Al Brackman, the business partner of Pete Seeger's music publisher, Howie Richmond) as one of the song's writers or arrangers. Nel luglio 2004 la canzone è stata oggetto di un contenzioso tra la famiglia di Solomon Linda, l'autore, e la Disney Company, accusata di aver guadagnato circa 1,6 milioni di dollari per l'uso della canzone nel suo film del 1994 Il re leone. 3:12. the lion sleeps tonight Lyrics, In the 2010s, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" began to be used online in meme videos in which someone is about to get hurt.[13].

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