bike park châtel ouverture

/ Expect something big, as any park than can host an event like the Châtel Mountain Style must have something about it! – « L’Eterlou » : 300 m de dénivelé, environ 2,3 km– La «Vink Line » : 300 m de dénivelé, environ 1.2 km équipé de la variante shore– La « Panoramic » : 300 m de dénivelé, environ 2,8 km, 4 tracés bleus– La « People » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km– La « Serpentine » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 3 km– La «Vink line » : 300 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km– La « Fluid » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km, – La « VinkLine » : 150 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km– La « Ric et Rac » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,3 km– La « Haute Tension » : 300 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km– La « Vorachatak » : 300 m de dénivelé, environ 1,5 km– La « Ride Humble » : 150 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km, 9 tracés noirs– La « Dré dans l’pentu » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km– La « Gueps » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km– La « Zougouloukata » : 150 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km– La « Bike Patrol » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km– La « Kaumatrotrail » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 3 km– La « Châ Nada » : 250 m de dénivelé, environ 2 km, piste shore accessible par la Serpentine– La « Coup de fouet » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km– La « Air Voltage » : 360 m de dénivelé, environ 2,5 km– Le « Black Shore » : 150 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km. Electric mountain bike trail of medium difficulty, on asphalt road then 4x4 road, to the Col de Recon. Maggiori informazioni Accetto. mtb Video Published 12 June 2013 from SHAPERIDESHOOT. It offers 20 MTB tracks of various difficulty level as well as several entertaining areas dedicated to the type “ride new school”. See more of Bikepark Chatel on Facebook. From 8 days, ski passes are automatically delivered on a reusable “ Look no hands” card charged at €3, if the customer does not already get on of  this card. And as part of the Portes du Soleil mountain bike mecca spanning France and Switzerland, there’s so many more trails to explore. But as part of the huge Portes du Soleil mountain bike mecca it has to be considered as one of the leading bike parks in Europe. Le Bike Park de Châtel sera ouvert : tous les jours du 27 juin au 6 septembre, avec nocturne le vendredi soir jusqu'à 19h. 179.1 Kb. A vostra disposizione trovere, inoltre, aree North Shore, Face (freeride / slopestyle), una kid’s shore, uno slopestyle, un big air bag ed una pump track. ixs scott châtel spank etienne gurnel. Rochassons chairlift : from 10.15am to 4.15pm (last ascent) – 4.30pm (last descent). From the village, follow the paved road of the Rys, reaching the summit of it "Sevan". Offre 20 piste da MTB di tutti i livelli di difficoltà, oltre a diverse aree molto divertenti dedicate ai generi del “ride new school”. *= 6 non-consecutive days available during all summer season. Bike Park Les Gets, Les Gets. This space is devoted to mountain biking, built on the area of Pré-la-Joux and accessible by the chairlifts of Pierre Longue and/or Rochassons. 15,964 คนเคยมาที่นี่. Per maggiori informazioni su come utilizziamo i cookies e su come rimuoverli, consulta la nostra politica sui cookies. Senior: 65 yrs old and over. There is one chairlift from the bottom taking you up 360m to a small gathering of huts and restaurants called Plaine Dranse. Electric mountain bike trail of medium difficulty, on asphalt road then 4x4 road, to the Col de Recon. 23 Comments . I had a brilliant time riding these tracks and I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone. There are green, blue, red and black graded trails, and the greens are not just fire-roads, they are maintained machine-built rolling berms with optional jumps and drops which might be graded higher elsewhere. It offers free Wi-Fi access and chalet-style accommdation. ... Ouverture. Dies ist ein Platz zum Mountainbiken, der auf dem Gebiet von Pré-la-Joux gebaut wurde und mit den Sesselliften von Pierre Longue und / oder Rochassons erreichbar ist. 10 635 views . Intermediate to pro riders will have a field day in Châtel Bike Park. One of our top picks in Châtel. Es gibt North Shore-Gebiete, das Face (Freeride / Slopestyle), ein Kid’s shore, einen Slopestyle, einen Big Air Bag und einen Pumptrack. And Komatrautrail trail is also great fun – more technical and rooty than the machine-built ‘freeways’ running down under the lifts. Pierre-Longue chairlift : from 9am to 4.45pm (last ascent) – 5.15pm (last descent). Every drop or jump is marked with neat little triangular flags positioned one either side of the takeoff lip and landing lip on the tabletops. Using a new part of the forest of Châtel’s resort, this new trail will start from the last turn of the road going down to Plaine-Dranse. There are North Shore areas, the Face (freeride / slopestyle), a kid’s shore, a slopestyle, a big airbag and a pump track. The bike park itself is not actually in the small village of Châtel – … Questo sito web utilizza i cookies per gestire, migliorare e personalizzare la navigazione. Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. Finally! This video involves most of the blacks within Châtel bike park with the occasional blue. It offers 20 MTB tracks of various difficulty level as well as several entertaining areas dedicated to the type “ride new school”. There is only 1 article tagged "Châtel Bikepark". Junior: from 16 to 19 yrs old. Le Bike Park de Châtel est un espace consacré aux mordus de VTT, aménagé sur le secteur de Pré-la-Joux et accessible par les télésièges de Pierre-Longue et/ou des Rochassons. Most rooms at Le Roitelet have a private balcony overlooking the Alps, a private bathroom and a TV. The view of the Dents du Midi during the climb is breathtaking. Even on it’s own Châtel Bike Park stands out at a major player in the bike parks scene. J-10 avant l'ouverture! Below is a summary table for the trails at the bike park. It's important to note that the bike park is not actually in the town of Châtel – it’s 6km down the road at Pre-La-Joux. The bike park itself is not actually in the small village of Châtel – … 82K likes. Inauguration et ouverture au public. Click on a trail name to view trail details, check the Rider-Cam video, and add your own comments and opinions for any trail. L'ouverture du Bike-park de Chatêl en vidéo avec @quentinosw_mtb. ©2021 Il propose 20 tracés MTB de tous niveaux de difficulté ainsi que plusieurs espaces très ludiques dédiés à des types de « ride newschool ». 7,681 Views . – La « VinkLine » : 150 m de dénivelé, environ 1 km. Location: Châtel, France Merci Quentin pour le montage ;-) Châtel is also a part of the Portes du Soleil area, which means that you'll be able to ride from one resort to the other using lifts and marked tracks, just as skier do in winter time. Share video. Châtel Bike park 2019. Electric mountain bike route 11b - Châtel . Les week-ends des 11-12 & 13 septembre (nocturne le 11), 18-19 & 20 septembre. Bike Park The Mountain Bike park is a special area dedicated to mountain biking fanatics, located at Pré-la-Joux/ Plaine Dranse. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Good times riding Châtel Bike Park. Track your bike park laps, vertical, distance and speed - check out the CHÂTEL Bike Park Leaderboards on! All the trails are very well signposted, and with trail maps pinned to a board at the top of each lift you can get away without having to carry your own. From the village, follow the paved road of the Rys, reaching the summit of it "Sevan". Il propose une vingtaine de tracés à profil descendant de tous niveaux de difficulté ainsi que plusieurs espaces très ludiques. Chatel Bike Park is a special area dedicated to mountain biking fanatics, located at Pré-la-Joux/ Plaine Dranse. Animaux: Acceptés Bikepark Châtel pré-ouverture 2013. C’est un espace consacré aux mordus de VTT, aménagé sur le secteur de Pré-la-Joux et accessible par les télésièges de Pierre-Longue et / ou des Rochassons. The 20 mountain bike trails of the Bike Park, with a downhill profile, are marked out according to their difficulty, arranged and maintained by a team of passionate Patrol Bike enthusiasts. Rochassons chairlift : from 9.30am to 4.50pm (last ascent) – 5pm (last descent). The Bike-Park: The Mountain Bike park is a special area dedicated to mountain biking fanatics, located at Pré-la-Joux/ Plaine Dranse. Black downhill track. Check out the red Vorachatak trail, a tight steep singletrack off the very top, very narrow and one of our favorites. So if you stay in town be prepared to drive over to the lift or have a bit of a ride (warning – uphill on the way back!). If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Adult: from 20 to 64 yrs old. Most trails go down from here but there is a second chairlift up to the peak another 300m higher up. Découvrez la station VTT Châtel : avis piste vtt, plan des pistes VTT, bike park, météo, webcam VTT, horaires ouverture Châtel Accédez au comparateur 0 station(s) sélectionnée(s) Vider le comparateur From 01/06 to 31/10. Holders of a Portes du Soleil season pass purchased for the 2018-2019 winter season are entitled to a 50% discount on a summer 2019  Portes du Soleil pass! CLOSE . mountain bike park de chÂtel rocks ! pdf WEEKENDS OF 15TH & 16TH AND 22ND & 23RD JUNE  2019. Pré-la-Joux chairlift will be open aswell. Follow Following. Pierre-Longue chairlift : from 9.15am to 4.45pm (last ascent) – 5.15pm (last descent). This space is devoted to mountain biking, built on the area of Pré-la-Joux and accessible by the chairlifts of Pierre Longue and/or Rochassons. Si tratta di uno spazio dedicato a tutti gli appassionati di mountain bike, costruito sulla zona di Pré-la-Joux e accessibile dalle seggiovie di Pierre Longue e / o Rochassons. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Basically, Châtel is a monster! There is stacks of northshore, with dedicated ‘shore’ trails as you get close to the bottom of the main lift. Enterprise . But as part of the huge Portes du Soleil mountain bike mecca it has to be considered as one of the leading bike parks in Europe. Free access. All rights reserved. Easy Here you will find the La Fantaski restaurant which is a popular rider hangout for drinks, snacks and lunch. (Sous réserve des conditions météorologiques). Tweet Copy this HTML to put this video on your site, blog or MySpace . Reached via Pierre-Longue and/or Rochassons chairlifts, it has around twenty downhill trails at all difficulty levels and a number of fun zones. Log In Animaux. MrMaloo. MOUNTAIN BIKE PARK DE CHÂTEL VI ASPETTA ! Junior: from 16 to 19 yrs old. Then walk the 4x4 path to the Recon Pass. Pierre-Longue chairlift : from 10am to 4.30pm (last ascent) – 4.45pm (last descent). Senior: 65 yrs old and over. Adult: from 20 to 64 yrs old. La Chapelle-d'Abondance. For the Pass’Portes du Soleil MTB the 28th, 29th & 30th June, the lifts will be open form 7.30am to 6pm. Le plus grand Bikepark d'Europe avec 90km de pistes (Freeride, DH, XC) et un pumptrack The Roitelet is located at the edge of Chatel ski resort, near the village center and the ski elevators. And as part of the Portes du Soleil mountain bike mecca spanning France and Switzerland, there’s so many more trails to explore. Reached by Pierre-Longue and/or Rochassons chairlifts, it offers 17 mountain biking trails at all difficulty levels (3 green, 4 blue, 2 red and 6 black) 16 of which are downhill runs. Children: from 5 to 15 yrs old. Thanks to Mr. Vink and co. for building another sick line! This is the last full edit of my trip to Ports du Solei. Rochassons chairlift : from 9.15am to 4.50pm (last ascent) – 5pm (last descent). The Châtel Bike Park will be open for the weekends of 15th & 16th  and 22nd & 23rd June and every day from 28th June to 1st September. MOUNTAIN BIKE PARK DE CHÂTEL : ÇA ROULE POUR VOUS ! Le plus grand Bikepark d'Europe avec 90km de pistes (Freeride, DH, XC) et un pumptrack Track your bike park laps, vertical, distance and speed - check out the CHÂTEL Bike Park Leaderboards on! Even on it’s own Châtel Bike Park stands out at a major player in the bike parks scene. Châtel Bike Park has a huge reputation for advanced freeride mountain biking. Check out these popular tags: ... Giro, Bike mag, Bike Park, Colorado, Cross Country, slopestyle, cam zink, tyler mccaul, Fox, Here are the results for "Châtel … Châtel is part of the large Portes du Soleil ski area – a linked area of pistes in both France and Switzerland. Nous l'avons suivi pendant 3 jours dans le Bike Park de Châtel où il à pu trouver les meilleures conditions pour être prêt pour le jour "J". For ski passes lasting less than 8 days you are able to choose between the single use “ look hands” free card or the reusable “ look hands” card charged at €3, if the customer does not already get on of  this card. Tarifs. Chalet Gallois is a charming traditional chalet situated in the alpine village of Châtel in the beautiful Abondance Valley, it is only 90 minutes from Geneva Airport and is an ideal location for both winter and summer holidays. Everywhere you look you will find big hit gap jumps, huge drop offs, fast berms and tight steep single-track – enough for any interest and any standard of rider as the features are almost always optional. Es bietet 20 MTB-Strecken aller Schwierigkeitsgrade sowie mehrere sehr spaßige Bereiche, die den “Ride Newschool” gewidmet sind. SHAPERIDESHOOT mtb Video Published 12 June 2013 . ⏳ ⏰ Après Bikepark Champéry - Morgins et Bike Park Les Gets, c'est au tour de Bikepark Chatel d'ouvrir.ce week-end ! Nico Vink, l'un des meilleurs freerider belge à gagné sa wildcard pour la Redbull rampage durant le Châtel Mountain Style en juillet dernier. On y trouve des zones north shore, la Face (espace freeride/slopestyle), un kid’s shore, un slopestyle, un big air bag et un pump track. Activity Type Stats. Châtel Bike Park has a huge reputation for advanced freeride mountain biking. *= 6 non-consecutive days available during all summer season.Children: from 5 to 15 yrs old.

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